
Fractional CO2 laser is considered as indispensable method for laser surgery. Refine, a super pulsed CO2 fractional laser, delivers micro pulsed laser on skin lesions via

controllable and adjustable spot size, energy density, distance, depth for accurate treatment. It creates strong epidermal ablation to realize skin resurfacing effects.

In the meanwhile, it stimulates collagen regeneration by delivering fractional laser beams deep into dermis to realize multiple clinical applications.

CO2 laser have a high absorption of water while low absorption of melanin and hemoglobin. It generates heat to coagulate content in water and produce epidermal

ablation on targeted area accurately. Refine can deliver multiple laser beams in fractional pattern which create a MTZ (Micro Thermal Zone). The laser pulses penetrate

deep into dermis to produce vaporization, coagulation and carbonization in skin tissues. Undamaged skin tissues between laser beams act as “heal server”

to increase the healing process. Thus, fractional CO2 is an optimal solution for complete skin resurfacing and skin rejuvenation.